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more disturbing than funny, but very good
tim robbins made one of the most controversial movies in the nineties with 'bob roberts'. i remember when it came out in theaters many people who i knew (including my parents) said they would refuse to see it, and disliked tim from then on. bob roberts the film bashes conservatives its true, but justifiably so, especially for the time this film was made. its a scathing look at the political machine and the making of a superstar candidate who people rally behind, even though his message is very dangerous and hateful. the conservatives blamed so many things on welfare and drugs in the nineties, and this film was really spot on in many respects. tim robbins is amazing as bob, and even though its obvious that we're supposed to hate this man tim doesn't go over the top at all. the film is a mockumentary in which we follow bob roberts, a "self made" millionaire folk singer, through his campaign for u.s. congress and one journalist who tries to take him down. through shady and despicable acts he tries to come out on top.
lots of celebrity cameos including james spader, susan sarandon, jack black, john cusack, bob balaban, helen hunt, and peter gallagher.
kevin smith makes a shitfest
totally unoriginal, unfunny (for the most part), unnecessary film to add to kevin smith's growing resume of shit. ok, i seriously was a huge smith fan back in the day. i LOVE clerks, mallrats, chasing amy, even clerks 2! but, his other works like jersey girl, and this are so damn pointless and unfunny that it makes me wonder why smith doesn't just stick to what he's good at... the jay and silent bob jersey flicks. watch this for justin long's performance, and that's it. also, kevin smith seems to be stuck in the nineties musically. why was there dmx and primus music in a present day movie? made no sense, other than kevin smith doesn't get out much.
tom savini's part was pointless and wasted, justin long was great but his part was tragically short, kevin smith's wife makes another retarded appearance even though she has no fucking talent, there was absolutely no chemistry between rogen and banks, the story was SOOO UNORIGINAL. not to mention this was basically like any other seth rogen/judd apatow film of late (think knocked up or 40 year old virgin). did i mention that it sucked?
benjamin ... gump?
so i finally caved in and saw the latest brad pitt/david fincher movie... i have to admit that it was very good for the most part. i definitely teared up multiple times throughout, as benjamin saw everything in his life leave him. people die, relationships end, and people disappear... its very depressing to me, even if it is just a movie, we see this all the time in our lives.
PROBLEMS: the daughter and her mother in the hospital reading the diary. this was not necessary to tie the story together. its like fucking titanic, saving private ryan, schindler's list, etc. i am fucking sick of modern people telling the stories of the past. that's why we're watching the film, we are watching the story already, no need to see the people telling it again. also, there was one of the worst product placements ever in the film... for jell-o. and it was 3 fucking hours and the ending was disappointing!