Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Serious Man

best coen brothers movie ever?

the latest film from the coen brothers is certainly one of their least marketable. surprisingly with all their success, they still can make great low budget films with more artistic style and less conventional plots. michael stuhlbarg stars as larry gopnik, a jewish man in the 60's who is basically getting shit on from all over the place. he is searching for answers from neighbors and rabbis, but nothing is adding up. much like how god seems to act in reality (if he exists). the film overall is amazing to watch, there is some great black comedy and amazingly poignant moments. so much of the plot and dialogue involve judaism, and i love that the coens didn't dumb it down for mainstream audiences. i didn't understand a few things, but that's fine. the acting, cinematography, and scenery are amazing, and the ending is perfect imho.

first 10 star revie
w since starting this blog. yusss

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